Thu, 23/11/2023 - 10:47
Today, NHS England released their cervical screening statistics for 22-23. The new statistics show over 4.62 million cervical screening invites were sent out, but the number who are up to date with screening is now at 68.7%, down from 69.9% the previous year.
It is incredibly frustrating to see targets missed for the 19th year in a row.
Last week, NHS England’s announced their goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2040 which is possible with cancer prevention programmes such as cervical screening and HPV vaccinations. But with screening uptake continuing to decline, it is going to be challenging to achieve this goal.
We understand that there are many reasons screening can be difficult to attend, but we are letting women down by making it even harder. We need to be increasing awareness and looking to new solutions like self-sampling to make this life-saving test easier to access for more women and people with a cervix.
We need Government commitments across the UK, so the programmes are appropriately funded, resourced, and staffed. We need to tackle inequalities in cancer prevention and ensure we can innovate for the future. With this political commitment, and cervical cancer elimination recognised as a priority, the UK can join the short list of nations who are only a few years away from saving the lives of tens of thousands of women, improving health outcomes, and reducing the physical, emotional, and financial impact of cervical cancer.
Read the full NHS England press release >