Contact your candidates
The General Election on 12th December will decide which MP will represent your area. Ask your candidates to support our manifesto to make cervical cancer a disease of the past.
If you have questions or need to talk, call our helpline for information or support.
Have a question? Receive a confidential response via email.
Come to a support event to meet other people who have had a cervical cancer diagnosis.
Individual support via phone or email, for anyone affected by a cervical cancer diagnosis.
Read about ways to cope with any effects of treatment and getting practical support.
We want to see the Government to commit to reducing the impact of cancer. With a new Government in place, there is an opportunity to drive up the UK’s survival rates to be among the best in the world. With 1 in 2 people in the UK diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime, this could improve millions of lives and touch every family in the country.
We have joined forces with 28 other cancer charities to launch #OneCancerVoice. A manifesto that has been developed on behalf of people with cancer, providing solutions for some of the biggest issues that the next Government will face. We’re calling on the Government to drive up the UK’s cancer survival to be among the best in the world and act to provide the best possible prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer.
To further focus on the specific needs of those affected by cervical cancer, and to help us reach the day where it is a disease of the past, we have also released a manifesto for cervical cancer.
Tweet your MP from this website using the suggested tweet below:
I'm supporting the @jotrust manifesto which aims to make #cervicalcancer a disease of the past. Read it at Will you join them?
The General Election on 12th December will decide which MP will represent your area. Ask your candidates to support our manifesto to make cervical cancer a disease of the past.