Cervical screening is a difficult test for many, from those who experience pain to those with experience of trauma or who have gaps in understanding about what the test is for. The impact of COVID-19 has provided further hurdles.
HPV is the topic we hear about the most through our support services, with callers who are confused, anxious and upset about what it means to have it. For many, the first time they even saw the word was in their results.
A lot of work has gone into removing the stigma from cervical screening and encouraging conversation about the test. We want to ensure that the move to HPV testing, a far superior testing method, does not undo our progress.
Testing Scotland's knowledge of HPV
We are testing the nation’s knowledge of HPV through an advertising campaign in various online and physical locations across Scotland.
Look out for our adverts and posters!
Resources for you
The below resources are for use during the campaign and beyond. Please do download, save and share them with colleagues and patients. They provide facts about HPV, how to respond to FAQs from patients and the experiences of women affected by HPV.