Chemotherapy can cause short-term and long-term effects that may affect your physical and emotional wellbeing. These may only last while you have the treatment or may last for weeks, months or years after treatment has finished.
It is important to remember that not everyone gets all possible side effects and there are ways to manage any side effects you do get. You may have different side effects depending on the chemotherapy drugs you have. Your healthcare team will give you more detailed information about what to expect. If you are having chemoradiation, you will also be coping with side effects caused by radiotherapy.
On this page:
- Short-term side effects of chemotherapy >
- Long-term effects of chemotherapy >
- Who to tell about side effects >
- More information and support >
In this section:
Short-term side effects of chemotherapy
Some side effects of chemotherapy start during or just after treatment and get better with time. We have listed the most common short-term side effects of chemotherapy below.