- Simon Leeson, Gynaecologist
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- Resources for you and your patients; including materials, services and video resources
Resources for you and your patients; including materials, services and video resources
Also in this section:
- When to signpost to Jo's >
- Our research into improving patient care, support and information >
- Useful information for GCNSs and Gynae-Oncologists >
We offer a variety of services designed to help support all women who need it, no matter their situation. This includes women who have just been diagnosed with cervical cancer, those going through treatment, women experiencing the long-term side effects of treatment, those who may be struggling with their sexual relationships after their experiences, or those who have received a terminal diagnosis.
Signposting the women you treat to our services may help them to feel better supported or calmer. Equally these services can help to support you with your busy workload by providing support and answers to your patients whenever they need it.
This section covers:
Let’s Meet is our annual patient information event which includes a key note speaker, workshops and time for attendees to meet others who have been affected. The workshops cover issues including managing side effects of treatment, fertility after treatment and other survivorship issues, and relaxation and emotional self-care. We also offer a workshop that is specifically for partners of women affected by cervical cancer, where they can discuss issues affecting them.
The day is free to attend and is open to all women who have been affected by cervical cancer, regardless of where they are in their journey. It is a fun and informative event, which offers women the chance to learn something and meet other women.
‘Fantastic! Leaving feeling so positive and ready to move on in my own journey and in my support of others’ – Let’s Meet 2015 attendee.
This year’s event will be taking place on the 10th of September 2016 in central London. You can find out more about the planned agenda, how the women you treat can register, the venue and the previous year’s event on our Let’s Meet information pages.
Our freephone Helpline offers women support and information from volunteers who have had personal or professional experience of cervical cancer or cervical abnormalities, and have had training in telephone helpline skills. Women from all stages of their cancer journey use this service and it can act as a support to women even after they have left your follow-up care.
- Helpline: 0808 802 800.
Our moderated forum provides a safe space for women, as well as their partners, friends and families to come together to share experiences, get advice, and both seek and provide support to each other. Topics include:
- New diagnoses
- Cervical cancer treatment
- Post-treatment issues
- Menopause
- Fertility
- Childlessness
- Children
- Relationships
We also have a dedicated group for partners of women who have been affected and a registration only, closed group for women with advanced cervical cancer.
Our Ask The Expert service allows women to ask specific questions related to all aspects of their diagnosis, treatment or later effects. Questions are answered by our volunteer medical panellists, who are qualified experts that have the skills to answer the questions asked by our users. The service is completely confidential.
- Ask The Expert service
- Information on our medical panellists
- How to get involved with Ask The Expert
Our materials
We produce a wide variety of information materials and resources, available online and in print for you to give out to the women you engage with.
This section covers:
- A booklet for women who have recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer called ‘Your guide to cervical cancer’
- Posters to highlight support services available to women diagnosed with cervical cancer
- A5 information booklets that you can give out to women, which they are able to take away with them and read at their convenience. These cover topics such as LLETZ and cervical cancer
- Credit card sized mini factsheet which gives a brief overview of cervical cancer
- A general leaflet about Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, what we do and the services we offer Credit card sized health promotion cards to promote our services to women in need of support.
All of the above and more can be downloaded directly from our Resource Centre or they can be ordered from us and shipped to you for free.
We have a large amount of information on our website, for any women who would like more information on all aspects of cervical cancer, treatment, moving forward, late effects of treatment and incurable diagnoses.
- Cervical cancer: a section all aspects of cervical cancer, including what it is, what causes it, diagnosis, types and stages, treatments, money and benefits and frequently asked questions
- Moving forward: a section all about finding a new normal, dealing with issues of sex and intimacy, living with side effects (including early menopause and pelvic radiation disease) and fears of recurrence
- Being a partner: a section specifically for partners discussing diagnosis, how it can affect relationships, getting support for themselves and avenues for help
- Incurable diagnosis: a section providing information about receiving an incurable diagnosis including ways to get physical, emotional and spiritual support, complementary therapies, ways to manage your lifestyle, benefits you may be entitled to as well as practical advice on making plans such as making a will and setting up a power of attorney.
Our videos
Our videos provide another resource for you to use. Please download, watch and share them, they include:
- Let’s Talk: a series of three videos discussing issues women may face after going through treatment for cervical cancer. The topics covered are:
- Let’s Talk: sex and intimacy
- Let’s Talk: early menopause and HRT
- Let’s Talk: pelvic radiation disease
- Moving forward: a series of three films discussing peoples experiences of moving forward from a cervical cancer diagnosis. The films are:
- Moving forward – as a loved one: featuring both same-sex and heterosexual partners discussing their experiences of being with a women going through cervical cancer
- Moving forward – side effects: featuring women discussing the side effects they have experienced after going through treatment for cervical cancer
- Moving forward – after diagnosis: featuring women discussing their experiences with finding a new normal after their cervical cancer diagnosis
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