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Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month

1st - 30th September 2023

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month. Each year we join other gynaecological cancer charities to raise awareness of cervical cancer and other gynaecological cancers. 

There are approximately 3,200 new cases of cervical cancer in the UK every year, which works out at nearly 9 new cases a day. But statistics don’t tell the full story, don’t show the impact that cervical cancer can have on real lives. We want to raise awareness and the voices of those affected by cervical cancer. Throughout September we’ll be sharing our communities’ tips for a cervical cancer diagnosis, types of treatment, short- and long-term side effects, and living with advanced cervical cancer. 

You can get involved in Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month and help raise awareness.  

Stories not statistics 

 Looking for real life experiences of cervical cancer? Head to our stories section. You can filter by experience and find out how cervical cancer impacts women and people with a cervix.

"One thing I wasn’t told was how much time was taken up by having cancer... Every treatment appointment was an all-day production." 

"I was often the youngest person on the chemo ward by decades and it did make the process difficult feeling a bit on my own dealing with very small children." 

"People say I’m positive and I think there’s no point in being anything else." 

Do you know the 5 gynae cancers? 

Cervical, ovarian, vaginal, vulval and womb.

To find out more about the gynaecological cancers, you can visit the following websites or see NHS Choices:
